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AGF is preparing for the New Year's show

AGF is preparing for the New Year's show

About competition

The New Year is a holiday of fairy tales and miracles. People meet this day with new dreams and hopes all over the world. It's not a secret that children are anticipating this holiday with more excitement. On the eve of this New Year, traditionally bearing in mind its little spectators, Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation has already begun the preparations to present interesting moments to the little ones.  

December 24 – exactly on this date, Milli Gimnastika Arenası (National Gymnastics Arena) will be plunged into a real miracle New Year celebration atmosphere. Thus, this time, the coaching and athletes’ staff of the National Teams in gymnastics disciplines will come together to revive “Home Alone” comedy film with pleasure watched by everyone for the years. At the especially decorated show, the participants wearing colourful clothes and putting on magic make-ups, are with great enthusiasm preparing to make the most memorable moments for their spectators. The gymnastics family used to be seen on the Field of Play will demonstrate their acting skills especially for you at the show with the plot line directed by the Head Coach of our Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team Mariana Vasileva.

Tickets for the show can be found at the Arena’s booking office. The prices constitute 15, 20, 30 manats.

Start time of the show: 16:00

Venue: Milli Gimnastika Arenası (MGA, National Gymnastics Arena)

Phone: +994 12/51 566 9699

Address: Baku, H.Aliyev avenue, 178

Passage: "Koroghlu" Metro Station


Useful Information

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