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TeamGym is a team competition belonging to the European Gymnastics. Being a non-Olympic discipline, TeamGym comprises performances on three apparatus: Floor, Tumble and Trampet. 

Routines on each apparatus require effective teamwork and excellent technique with difficult skills in acrobatic and gymnastics elements. 

TeamGym competitions are divided into three sections: Women, Men and Mixed Teams (teams consisting of both female and male gymnasts).  

The team may consist of 8-10 gymnasts. Each of them must compete on Floor. 6 gymnasts take part in each round on Tumble and Trampet. Mixed Team must consist of 50% male and 50% of female gymnasts. 

As such competitions are very exciting and thrilling to watch, they attract spectators, media representatives and sponsors. Unique splendid atmosphere distinguishes TeamGym events. 

“TeamGym” in Europe

“TeamGym is one of the youngest European Gymnastics discipline. The first European Championships in this discipline was held in Finland in 1996 and called “EuroTeam” at that time. The first official TeamGym European Championships took place in Sweden in 2010. Along with senior gymnasts, teams consisting of junior athletes also competed in these events.

Aside from the biennial European Championships, the European Gymnastics also organizes coaches’ and judges’ courses, workshops of different topics, under the guidance of best experts, in order to increase the knowledge about the TeamGym rules and competitions in the continent.  

“TeamGym” in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation (AGF), developing all gymnastics disciplines of the European Gymnastics, decided to include TeamGym into its activity in early 2018. 

In October 2018, our National Team already participated in the TeamGym European Championships for the first time (Odivelas, Portugal) and competed in the age category of juniors.

In 2019, AGF organized courses for local gymnasts and coaches in Baku. In 2020, our first TeamGym judges obtained the European judging Brevet. This gives them the right to act as judges at the European Championships.


In TeamGym events, the routines are demonstrated to music on 3 apparatus: Floor, Tumble and Trampet. There are similarities both with the elements executed in other gymnastics disciplines and with the apparatus used.
Floor is an apparatus with a performance area of 16x14m. Here, two acrobatic elements, three jumps, four balance elements and a combination of two elements must be executed to music. In addition to the difficulty elements, the composition elements are also performed during the routine. The team receives maximum 4 points for execution of such elements. Floor is the apparatus, which can bring the highest points to the team. Only gymnasts who demonstrate exercises on Floor, can perform on other apparatus.
The Tumble consists of approach run-up, tumbling track, where the elements are executed, landing and safety areas, additional safety mats and fixed tape measure. The length of the performing area is 15m (+/- 10cm). The program on this apparatus consists of 3 performances. At least two different acrobatic elements must be demonstrated in each performance in junior competition, while this number is three in the senior events. Routines start with simple elements and gradually become more difficult.
The Trampet (small trampoline) consists of a set of trampolines, vaulting table, landing area, approach run-ups to the Trampet and vaulting table, additional safety mats and tape measure. A part of the performance on this apparatus is executed using of the vaulting table placed between the Trampet and the mat. The program comprises three stages. Routines start with simple elements and gradually become more difficult. In order to maintain a high speed, each athlete demonstrating exercises, is followed by another one without any pause.

Interesting facts

  • Until 2002, TeamGym was called EuroTeam.

  • Having emerged in the Nordic countries in the 70s of the 20th century, TeamGym has now stepped onto the path of development on other continents as well.

  • TeamGym, developed by the European Gymnastics, is only gymnastics discipline that is not included into the activity of the International Gymnastics Federation.