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Acrobats and Trampoline gymnasts to compete for medals

Acrobats and Trampoline gymnasts to compete for medals

About competition

Acrobats and Trampoline gymnasts to compete for medals

The 23rd Baku Championship in Acrobatic Gymnastics, as well as the 14th Azerbaijan and Baku Championship among Age Categories in Trampoline Gymnastics and Tumbling will be held on November 7-8.

On competitions’ first day, commenced by acrobats,  Women’s Pairs (children – born in 2000-2007), Men’s Pairs (seniors – born in 2002 and older), Mixed Pairs (seniors – born in 2002 and older, children – born in 2000-2007, youngsters – born in 2002-2010) and Women’s Groups (pre-juniors – born in 1998-2006, children – born in 2000-2007, youngsters – born in 2002-2010) will compete for the medals.

Baku Gymnastics School, “Ojag Sport” and “Neftchi” Clubs and Specialized Olympic Reserves’ Children-Youth Sports School No. 13 of Nizami District and will be represented in the events with a participation of over 50 sportsmen. 

The second day of the competitions will continue with the performances of the Trampoline and Tumbling gymnasts. More than 30 trampoline gymnasts in minors (born in 2008-2010), children (born in 2006-2007), youngsters (born in 2003-2005), seniors (born in 1999 and older) age groups and over 20 tumbling gymnasts in youngsters (born in 2007 and younger), pre-juniors (born in 2003-2006), juniors (born in 2000-2002) and seniors (born in 1999 and older) age groups will represent Baku Gymnastics School and “Ojag Sport” Club.

The competitions can be watched on official website of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation ( via live broadcast.

The more detailed information about the event can be found on the federation’s website.

Competitions start at 12:00.

Venue: Milli Gimnastika Arenası

Competitions in Acrobatic Gymnastics on November 7 - MGA's subsidiary hall

Competitions in Trampoline Gymnastics and Tumbling on November 8 – MGA’s main hall

Entrance to competitions is free.

Address: 178 Heydar Aliyev Ave., Baku

Passage: “Koroghlu” underground station


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