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National competitions season launches with Aerobic Gymnastics event

National competitions season launches with Aerobic Gymnastics event

About competition

National competitions season launches with Aerobic Gymnastics event

The 2nd Azerbaijan and Baku Championship among Age Categories will open the national competitions seasons in gymnastics disciplines in fall.

The event with participation of 35 gymnasts will be held at Sports-Concert Complex named after Heydar Aliyev on October 1.

The representatives of “Ojag Sport” Club will compete for the medals at the competition in Aerobic Gymnastics, which started to develop in our country in late 2013.

The sportsmen will demonstrate their performances in men's (juniors – 15-17 years old, seniors – 18 year old and senior), and women's (children - 7-8 years old, youngsters - 9-11 years old, pre-juniors - 12-14 years old, juniors - 15-17 years old) individual and women's trio (children - 7-8 years old, youngsters - 9-11 years old, pre-juniors - 12-14 years old) programs.

The competitions can be watched on official website of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation ( via live broadcast.

The more detailed information about the event can be found on the website

Address: Sports-Concert Complex named after Heydar Aliyev,

Abbas Sahhat Str. 2

Tel.: +99412 493 3011



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