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"Our goals are ambitious"

25 January 2025

We present to you an interview with Nihan Özkan, the coach of Ritmika Gymnastics Club, who has come to Azerbaijan for a training camp.

What can you say about the training camp here?
- We have come here for training with our gymnasts, and the atmosphere is amazing. The facility is spacious and well-equipped and everyone is very helpful, including the Gymnastics Federation. We are training alongside an Azerbaijani coach and we will be here for approximately seven days. Our athletes train twice a day and we love these kinds of training camps as they help us improve and perform better in competitions.

How do you assess the potential of your gymnasts?
- Our athletes have a very bright future. Turkish gymnasts are progressing rapidly, and we hope to achieve great results at the 2028 Olympics.

How popular is gymnastics in Turkey?
- The Turkish Gymnastics Federation is making great efforts to further develop the sport. Under the leadership of Suat Chelen, Turkish gymnastics has made significant progress. Excellent facilities have been established and substantial investments have been made in Rhythmic, Trampoline and Artistic Gymnastics. As a result, our athletes are advancing more and more. Our goals are ambitious and we are determined to achieve them.