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08 June 2015


The “Zhuldyz-Cup” International Tournament in Rhythmic Gymnastics took place in Astana (Kazakhstan) on June 4-6. In a senior program of the tournament, Azerbaijan was represented by Ayshan Bayramova and Zeynep Celep, whereas Zhala Piriyeva and Veronika Hudis performed among junior gymnasts.

These competitions remained in memories by Ayshan Bayramova’s brilliant performances where she won 3 gold medals for the performances with a hoop, a ribbon and clubs. Only in an exercise with a ribbon, Ayshan contented herself with a bronze medal. Our gymnast took the third place in the all-around.

A silver medalist of the European Championships-2014 among the juniors Zhala Priyeva, won the gold medal in the all-around and in exercises with a hoop. She also came back from the tournament with 2 bronze medals for her performances with a ball and a rope. Her teammate Veronika Hudis became the third in the all-around.

Our gymnasts in Trampoline Gymnastics also competed last weekend. It should be mentioned that Sviatlana Makshtarova and Sabina Zaitseva stopped a step away from the medal having taken the fourth place in the synchronized performance at the World Cup series held in Russian St. Petersburg.