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The first competition of the year come to an end successfully

29 January 2022

The first competition of the year come to an end successfully

On January 29, Milli Gimnastika Arenası (National Gymnastics Arena) hosted the 6th Azerbaijan Championship among Age Categories and Baku Championship in Trampoline Gymnastics and the 18th Azerbaijan Championship among Age Categories and Baku Championship in Tumbling. 33 Trampoline and 21 Tumbling gymnasts tested their strength at the competition in total.

Athletes performed in the age categories of youngsters (2015), children (2012-2014), pre-juniors (2010-2011), juniors (2006-2009) and seniors (born in 2005 and older) in the individual program in Trampoline Gymnastics. In Tumbling, the competitions were held in the age categories of children (2012-2014), pre-juniors (2010-2011), juniors (2006-2009) and seniors (born in 2005 and older).

The competitions were organized without participation of spectators with the special Authorization of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the current quarantine rules and sanitary and epidemiological requirements applied in our country.

It should be mentioned that 3 more National Competitions in various Gymnastics disciplines will be organized at Milli Gimnastika Arenası within the first 3 months of the year.