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Successful performance of the Bronze medalists of the European Championships

30 June 2023

Successful performance of the Bronze medalists of the European Championships

There was held the Rhythmic Gymnastics International Junior Cup in the city of Budapest (Hungary) on June 29 & 30, 2023. At the competition, our country was represented by the Individual gymnasts - Shams Aghahuseynova, Nuray Ahmadzada, Nazrin Abdullayeva & members of the National Team in Group Exercises consisting of Govhar Ibrahimova, Sakinakhanim Ismayilzada, Madina Aslanova, Ilaha Bahadirova, Ayan Sadigova & Zahra Jafarova. Two-time Bronze medalists of the 39th European Championships (All-Around / 5 Balls) held in Azerbaijan in May, justified the expectations at this event. Our representatives were awarded with the Gold medals with 5 Balls, while they grabbed “Silver” with 5 Ropes & in the All-Around. Individual gymnast - Nuray Ahmadzada won the Bronze medal with a Ribbon.