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Children's day at Milli Gimnastika Arenası turned out to be real festival

02 June 2017

Children's day at Milli Gimnastika Arenası turned out to be real festival

This time, Milli Gimnastika Arenası (MGA, National Gymnastics Arena) has opened its doors to little gymnasts, making their first steps in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, for the first time, organized a “GymBala” competition among 5-7 year-old gymnasts on June 1 – namely on the International Children's Day.

It was interesting to watch the children, sometimes lost in excitement, and sometimes felt themselves as little stars, imitating the famous gymnasts who performed in this majestic arena during the European Championships, the World Cup series, as well as at the competitions within the framework of the 1st European Games and the recent 4th Islamic Solidarity Games.

One should see the reaction of the parents, little siblings who really excited in the course of the whole performance of their dear ones and felt sincere pleasure for their first successes during the presentation of medals, diplomas and gifts.

Apparently, children's holiday in MGA turned out to be a real festival!

Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, once again, congratulates all the winners, and hopes that organization of such competitions for children will become a good tradition, since children are our future.