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Rhythmic Gymnastics WС in Izmir: the fourth day's results

26 September 2014

Rhythmic Gymnastics WС in Izmir: the fourth day's results

Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships’ fourth qualifying day wrapped up in Izmir yesterday. Gymnasts from all over the world competed for the prize of one of the most important sporting event in this kind of sport.

Marina Durunda and Gulsum Shafizada, who are representing Azerbaijan in this competition, showed performances with a ribbon.

Receiving 16.625 points from the judges, Durunda took the ninth position, while Shafizada became the 28th receiving 15,483 points. The previous day, showing excellent results, Marina Durunda made it to the finals with clubs, where she became the 6th, earning 17,466 points. 

Today, Marina Durunda will represent our country in the all-round final among individual gymnasts. Tomorrow, the group team of Azerbaijan (silver medalist of the European Championships) will begin their two-day performance.