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"If you are tired, you need to train more"

30 April 2024

- My name is Sofia. I am 13 years old. I am from the Czech Republic and represent the Club “SKP MG Brno”.

Is this your first visit to Baku?
- Yes, it is.

Did you like our city?
- I like this place. There is a very large arena, gyms, carpets, physiotherapy. There are all favorable conditions here. I am fond of this place.

Are you here to prepare for any competition or just to improve your skills?
- We are here for both. My friend’s competition will be soon, while mine will be in a few months.

What do you think is the key to being successful in sports?
- To work hard on yourself. Try to listen to the coaches, but don’t forget to rest.

What advice would you give to gymnasts?
- Listening to coaches, working, going to training. If you are tired, you need to train more.

What difference did you see in the training process in your hometown and in Azerbaijan?
- In our city, we can’t afford to have such a place, so many carpets, but there are wonderful facilities here: physiotherapy, doctors, and everyone has their own carpet. It is very comfortable.